Periodontal Plastic Surgery

Gingiva, or gum tissue, is the body's natural defense against bacteria and trauma in the mouth. Recession usually occur when the gingiva is thin and substained damage from pathologic inflammation or aggressive toothbrushing habit. Soft roots are often exposed from receding gingiva, predisposing the patient to further recessions, root decays, sensitivity, and the youthful smile gives way to the appearance of long teeth associated with old age.    

Connective Tissue Graft

A thin tissue is taken from the roof of the mouth and placed directly over the exposed roots. The gum tissue at the recipient sites are then gently mobilize to cover the gingival graft and provides it with blood supply. Since its introduction in the mid-80's, this grafting method remains the gold standard for root coverage procedure. 

Free Gingival Graft

Similar to connective tissue graft, a palatal tissue is tranplanted to the deficient area.  Free gingival graft is typically used to augment around natural teeth and implants to provide a protective barrier against bacterial penetration and progressive recession.


Instead of harvesting a gingival graft from the roof of the mouth, a commerically available substitue is commonly used for gum grafting as well. AlloDerm® is donated human tissue that has been processed to remove donor cells, leading to a regenerative tissue matrix.

Restore your gum to natural architecture and contour

Gum grafting may enhance your smile by reversing the recession process and restoring the proper gum and teeth relationship. The added thickness to the gingiva also serves as a protective barrier against decays and further recessions. Not every case is suitable for root coverage, schedule a consultation with us to see if this is right for you.
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